Julia interfaces ================ Ludvig af Klinteberg, Libin Lu, and others, have built `FINUFFT.jl `_, an interface from the `Julia `_ language. This package supports 32-bit and 64-bit precision, and automatically downloads and runs pre-built binaries of the FINUFFT library for Linux, macOS, Windows and FreeBSD (for a full list see `finufft_jll `_). `FINUFFT.jl` has now (in 2022) itself been wrapped as part of `NFFT.jl `_, which contains an "abstract" interface to any NUFFT in Julia, with FINUFFT as an example. Their `performance comparison page `_ show that FINUFFT matches their native Julia implementation for speed of type 1 and type 2 transforms in 3D, and beats NFFT, and with less precomputation. In 1D and 2D, the native Julia implementation is 1-2 times faster than FINUFFT in their tests on uniformly-random nonuniform points.