.. _related: Related packages ================ Other recommended NUFFT libraries --------------------------------- - `cuFINUFFT `_: Our GPU version of FINUFFT, for single precision in 2D and 3D, type 1 and 2. Still under development by Melody Shih (NYU) and others. Often achieves speeds around 10x the CPU version. - `NFFT3 `_: well-supported and multi-featured C++ library using FFTW. Has MATLAB MEX interface. However, significantly slower and/or more memory-intensive than FINUFFT (see reference [FIN]). Has many more general abilities, eg, inverse NUFFT. We are working on this too. - `CMCL NUFFT `_: NYU single-threaded Fortran library using self-contained FFT, fast Gaussian gridding kernel. Has MATLAB MEX interface. Much (up to 50x even for one thread) slower than FINUFFT, but is very easy to compile. - `MIRT `_ Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox. Native MATLAB, single-threaded sparse mat-vec, prestores all kernel evaluations, thus is memory-intensive but surprisingly fast for a single-threaded implementation. However, slower than FINUFFT for all tolerances smaller than $10^{-1}$. - `PyNUFFT `_ Python code supporting CPU and GPU operation. We have not compared against FINUFFT yet. Also see the summary of library performances in our paper [FIN] in the :ref:`references `.