Directories in this package =========================== When you ``git clone``, or unpack a tar ball, you will get the following. (Please see :ref:`installation ` instructions) .. warning: This is obsolete, as of March 2023, since we are transitioning to cmake, plus have a bunch of new directories from the merge in of cufinufft. Stay tuned! Main library source: - ``makefile`` : the single GNU makefile (there are no makefiles in subdirectories) - ``*`` : system-specific example overrides to use as your ```` - ``src`` : main library C++ sources - ``include`` : header files, including those for users to compile against - ``contrib`` : 3rd-party codes in the main library - ``lib`` : dynamic (``.so``) library will be built here - ``lib-static`` : static (``.a``) library will be built here Examples, tutorials, and docs: - ``examples`` : simple example codes for calling the library from C++ and C - ``tutorial`` : application demo codes (various languages), supporting ``docs/tutorial/`` - ``finufft-manual.pdf`` : the manual (auto-generated by sphinx, eg via ``make docs``) - ``docs`` : source files for documentation (``.rst`` files are human-readable, kinda) - ```` : github-facing (and human text-only reader) welcome - ``LICENSE`` : how you may use this software - ``CHANGELOG`` : list of changes, release notes - ``TODO`` : list of things needed to fix or extend (also see git Issues) Testing: - ``test`` : main validation tests (C++/bash), including: - ``test/basicpassfail{f}`` simple smoke test with exit code - ``test/`` is the main pass-fail validation bash script - ``test/results`` has validation comparison outputs (``\*.refout``; do not remove these), and local test outputs (``\*.out``; you may remove these) - ``perftest`` : main performance and developer tests (C++/bash), including: - ``test/`` spread/interp performance test bash script - ``test/`` NUFFT performance test bash script Other language interfaces, further testing: - ``fortran`` : wrappers and example drivers for Fortran (see ``fortran/README``) - ``matlab`` : MATLAB/octave wrappers, tests, and examples - ``python`` : python wrappers, examples, and tests - ``python/ci`` continuous integration tests - ``julia`` : (not yet functional; for now see `FINUFFT.jl `_)