Tutorials and application demosΒΆ
The following are instructive demos of using FINUFFT for a variety of spectrally-related tasks arising in scientific computing and signal/image processing. We will slowly grow the list (contact us to add one). For conciseness of code, and ease of writing, they are currently in MATLAB (they should work on versions at least back to R2017a).
For further applications, see references, and:
These software tutorial PDF slides.
These seminar PDF slides.
Fast Fresnel diffraction for optics and acoustics applications.
Equispaced Fourier methods for Gaussian process regression as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.10210 and https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11065
Tutorials for PyNUFFT with 1D and 2D reconstruction examples here.
The numerical sampling of random plane waves.