Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform¶
- Overview
- Installation
- Including FINUFFT into your own CMake project
- CMake based installation and compilation
- Classic GNU make based route
- 1) Linux: tips for installing dependencies and compiling
- 2) Mac OSX: tips for installing dependencies and compiling
- 3) Windows GNU make: tips for compiling
- Building a Python interface to a locally compiled library
- Directories in this package
- Mathematical definitions of transforms
- Example usage from C++ and C
- Documentation of all C++ functions
- Options parameters (CPU)
- Error (status) codes
- Troubleshooting
- Tutorials and application demos
- Usage from Fortran
- MATLAB/octave interfaces
- Python interface
- Julia interfaces (CPU and GPU)
- Changelog
- Developer notes
- Related packages
- Dependent packages, wrappers, users, and citations
- Acknowledgments
- References